I finally found the time to snap some pics of a few of the HQ conversions I've done for my Space Wolves force. They are in various stages of painting, but I wanted to share them from a conversion point of view.
I'll start with my favorite conversion so far, my take on Logan Grimnar:
I'm not too impressed with the official Games Workshop model for Logan, I think it needs an update. In this conversion, there are bits from a Space Wolves Terminator box, some Chaos Lord bits, lots of green stuff (mostly fur) and a but of plasticard. Oh, and the Tyranid in his grasp there. Logan is still a few steps from final paiting, though. Here are some more angles:
Next up, we've got Ragnar Blackmane:
Again, I found the Games Workshop model wanting, so went my own way. I tried to ape the official model's pose a little, though. Also, this was the first conversion I attempted, so it isn't very ambitious. It's a fairly vanilla model, all parts from the Wolf Pack box. There fur cape and the fur on the figure's left shoulder-pad are hand sculpted in green stuff, though. Here are a few more shots:
More recently, I worked on a conversion for Arjac Rockfist:
For this model, I used a torso and shoulder pads from
Scibor's Monstrous Miniatures which give Arjac a really unique look, and I feel fit his fluff. The Foehammer and Anvil Shield are both custom made, from combinations of green stuff, bits, and plasticard. Here's some more detail:
I've posted a pic of my Bjorn the Fell-Handed
before, but I've got some new angles this time.
Bjorn is mostly made up of Ironclad Dreadnought bits. I wanted to give his chassis a tougher, older look, but I wasn't into the Venerable model as much. There are tons of random bits from the Space Wolves terminator kit, as well as the Wolf Pack box, and the claws on the Dreadnought CCW are custom sculpted. The Lascannon arm is from a Venerable Dread box.
These last few conversions are not painted yet, but I wanted to show them off anyway. First we have two Rune Priests:
Nothing too fancy, just a bit of kit-bashing on the Runic Staffs. I wanted them to stand out a bit on the table, and I thought the long staff helped a lot with that. I also have a Wolf Priest (with Jump Pack):
You might be starting to notice a bit of a theme to my Space Wolves: I hate Tyranids, so, by extension, my Space Wolves hate them, too. There is a small amount of green stuff on this model, on his right leg. Other than that, it is all Wolf Pack bits and some brass etching from the Forge World Space Wolves brass kit. And, of course, the Jump Pack. Here are some more shots:
These last models are not HQ choices, but I spent a lot of time on their conversions, so I wanted to share. Here are my 3 Thunderwolf Cavalry:
All three of the mounts were made from the Knorne Bloodcrushers kit, with liberal amounts of green stuff fur and tons of bits form various Space Wolves kits.
That's it for this week. Feedback and comments are welcome! As always, thanks for reading!