A bit late posting this week, I've been busy with a D&D miniature commission for a friend (update forthcoming!)...
This week, I thought I'd show off a couple of Space Wolves special character models. First up, we've got Njal Stormcaller:
This actually one of my oldest Space Wolves models, and the first metal model I ever painted. Finecast wasn't even rumored at the time, but I wish I'd knows it was coming. I find metal models a real pain to work with, and I like the sharpness of the Finecast models.
I played a 2000 point game recently, and fielded Njal in place of a vanilla Rune Priest. I had 2nd turn, so a couple of his buffs weren't in effect, but he was pretty valuable anyway. Unfortunately, he took wounds in the game when I rolled perils of the warp, killing him in turn 4. Statistically, I don't think that would happen often in a game, but I'd like to field him a few more times before I make a final judgement call. The model is great, though.
I went a bit heavy on the snow effects for Njal. I really wanted him to look like he'd been in the elements for a while, fighting implacably for the All-Father.
In the same 2000 point game, I fielded
Canis Wolfborn
, too. I've played with him a few times, and he seems to die a lot before he can get into combat. Truthfully, I think the size and look of his model make him a target in games, but he was really valuable in this match.
Again, I wish I'd waited for the Finecast version. He's a seriously heavy model! I learned in this last match that, if he survives to make in into combat, he is SUPER vicious! A minimum of 7 rending attacks on the charge, with a 19"-24" assault range is a pretty tough combo. Ultimately, I think he is probably only worth it against horde Orks or Tyranids, where his attacks can decimate a larger squad, and he is more likely to not die to shooting.
I really love the level of detail on Canis' model. The fur looks amazing, and he is positively huge! He even has his helmet hanging from his belt!
That's it for this week. Next week, I hope to have some updates to the gallery page, and to get my commissions pricing and policies up as well.
As always, thanks for reading! Comments and critique are welcome!