Sunday, July 28, 2013

Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters complete!

I've been working on this special model for a long time, and I'm finally satisfied with it.

It seems like it is much easier to get great painting result on a great model, and Forge World knocked their first Primarch out of the park, if you ask me!

I really like the design of the base on this piece.  The Angron model sits on a 40MM base, that fits into the larger 60MM scenic base for display purposes.  When you use Angron in a Horus Heresy game, you just pop the model out.

Both bases are given highly detailed resin pieces for detail, and they look amazing.  The only complaint I have is that the larger piece, for the 60MM base, doesn't go to the edge of the base.  If you look at Forge World's example, you can see how jarring and unfinished it looks.  It is a shame to leave such a beautiful piece that way, so I added some texture to the rest of the base to blend it.  It took several layers to get it perfect, but I am really happy with the results.

This is the first time I've experimented with weathering powders, and I think they worked great.  They really add a lot of texture and weight to the finished model, and they were super easy to use.  Secret Weapon Miniatures recently released a pigment fixer, which made the process really easy.  I also used their pigments, and couldn't be happier.  

Here's a final pic, of the two pieces as I discussed above.

As much as it pains me, I've decided to sell this model.  It is beautiful, but, ultimately I don't have the room for it (especially without a World Eaters army to accompany it).

If you;re interested, you can find the eBay auction HERE.

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Reentering Realspace!

Wow! It have been SOOO long since I updated this blog! I didn't realize it had gotten away from me like this! A lot of changed since my last post... I've lost at several tournaments, but won another "best painting" award! I've added a huge Necron army to my collection (posts incoming!) and had started a CSM army before getting sidetracked. My carpal tunnel has really started to flare up when I paint, so I've recently invested in a airbrush (a Badger Renegade Velocity), in the hopes that it with reduce workload and time. I'll be starting a Horus Heresy: Betrayal Imperial Fists list to break in the airbrush, I've been wanting to challenge myself with a yellow project for a while now, and shading light colors seems like it lends itself to airbrushing. For now, you'll have to make do with some pics of my last (probably) completely hand-painted model, a CSM Helbrute!


I was working on a small Emperor's Children army, using some of the Dark Vengeance stuff as a starting point. Since my wrist issues have flared up, I'm moving on to the airbrush project. This one was very time and effort intensive, but he is probably some of my best painting work.


I spent a lot of time wet-blending and working on zenithal lighting by hand, and I really think he came out great.


 I also did some conversion work: adding a Reaper Autocannon in place of the Multi-melta. I used plastic rod and jeweler's chain on that, and, if I recall correctly, a Necron Immortal gauss bit for the bayonet.


I also added a missile bit to the maw on the other hand, so that I could play it as a Missile Luancher if needed. The nice thing is, the conversion is subtle enough that it can still be played as a Powerfist if desired. I also did the base in cork, something I've been itching to try. It was really simple, and worked really well. I plan on using this method in most or all of my future projects. As always please let me know what you think of the model and paint! Sadly, I'm selling this one on eBay. :( Since I am switching to airbrushing, and I am a stickler for cohesive painting, I abandoned the rest of my CSM plans. I can't paint an entire force the way I did this model! It will take me ages, and I will likely ruin my wrists! ;) If you're interested in the model, here's a link to the eBay auction:

Thanks for reading!
